117uo57go5k.exe may be a dangerous program, according to an automatic analysis of the program's operation. It triggers many of the "possible danger" criteria described bellow. It is not yet known if 117uo57go5k.exe is malware or an ok program which doesn't harm your PC. We advise you to be careful with this program.
This application is usually stored on disk in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\117uo57go5k.exe.
The MD5 fingerprint for this file is c034f25bf68c2d15c4ba04c60360cfe5.
This program does NOT operate as a Windows service. This is normally a good sign.
This program uses the Internet to communicate. In this day and age this is ok. For example, most of the programs on your computer check for new updates. For this, Internet communications are required.
This executable runs in 32-bit mode. It does not exploit the entire set of features of modern computer chips. This is quite normal because the authors did not bother to upgrade it to 64-bit code.
The description written in the program is CAPC.
File version stored as a property
Intellectual property rights notice LYXB.
This file does NOT have visible windows. This is most likely a bad thing.
The digital certificate is missing from this program. The publisher did not bother to sign it. This is probably bad.
This application does NOT have an uninstall routine set up in registry.