acengine.exe is a program which is probably NOT a virus or malware. So, if acengine.exe is on your computer, it is probably ok, and will NOT cause problems. Even if your PC is virus-free, we still advise you to purchase a good antivirus with a good detection rate, in order to defend your PC against threats.
The default name and path where this application is stored is
C:\Program Files (x86)\FastSearch\acengine.exe.
The MD5 fingerprint for this executable is df1f77f92ea216825f8e0f43b392c886.
This application is set up as a Windows service. This means it operates on your PC in background, usually without displaying any user interface to you. Most Windows services are useful programs, which provide useful functions to other applications or to Windows in general.
This program uses the net to communicate. Today this is quite normal. For example, most of the programs on your computer check for new updates. For this, Internet communications are required.
This exe runs in 32-bit mode. It does not use the full set of features of current computer processors. This is quite normal because the authors did not upgrade it to use the x64 instruction set.
File version
Company name Abengine.
Some unusual functions of the Operating System appear to be used, such as functions for recording the keyboard. We recommend you to read more about this program.
The digital certificate is missing from this program. The publisher did not sign it. This is usually bad.
It has an uninstall string in registry, which is a good sign. si are uninstall.