adappmgrsvc.exe is a application which is most likely legit. So, if adappmgrsvc.exe is on your computer, it is most likely ok, and will NOT cause problems. Even if your PC is virus-free, we still advise you to run a good antivirus with a good detection rate, in order to yourself yourself against viruses and malware.
This application is normally found on disk in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AppManager\R1\AdAppMgrSvc.exe.
The MD5 fingerprint for this file is c81147ab3b711331da930e56d896650c.
This application is registered as a Windows service. This means it runs on your PC in background, usually without displaying anything to you. Most Windows services are legit programs, which perform useful functions to other applications or to Windows in general.
This app runs in 32-bit mode. It does not benefit of the entire power of modern computer chips. This ordinarily happens because the makers did not upgrade it to use the x64 instruction set.
The description written in the file is Autodesk Application Manager.
File version stored as a property
Company Autodesk Inc..
Copyright notice Copyright 2013 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved..
adappmgrsvc.exe is digitally signed. Nowadays most virus-free programs are digitally signed.
The digital signature attached to adappmgrsvc.exe checks out perfectly. This is excellent.
Digitally signed by: Autodesk, Inc
Certificate's issuer name: VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA
It has an uninstall routine, which is good. si are uninstall.