atieclxx.exe is a application which is probably NOT a virus or malware. So, if atieclxx.exe is on your computer, it is probably ok, and will NOT cause problems. Even if your system is virus-free, we still advise you to purchase a good antivirus with a good track record, in order to defend your PC against threats.
Normally, this program is located in C:\Windows\System32\atieclxx.exe.
The MD5 fingerprint for this file is cc4356b8859e98acc8e2a1e7fcae8315.
This application is NOT registered as a Windows service. This is very good.
This is a x64 executable. It runs using the full capacity of nowadays' CPUs.
This executable does NOT have visible windows. This is usually a bad sign.
atieclxx.exe is digitally signed. Today most virus-free software applications are digitally signed.
The digital signature attached to atieclxx.exe is valid. This is most likely a clean, ok program.
Digitally signed by: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Certificate's issuer name: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility PCA
This program does NOT have a removal routine set up in registry.