atieclxx.exe is a program which is most likely NOT a virus or malware. So, if atieclxx.exe is on your PC, it is most likely ok, and will NOT be a cause for concern. Even if your system is clean, it is still recommended to purchase a well-known antivirus with a good detection rate, in order to yourself yourself against potential security problems.
This program is normally found on disk in C:\Windows\System32\atieclxx.exe.
The MD5 fingerprint for this executable is 54065e48f735cade77a34af790486c45.
This application is NOT registered as a Windows service. This is very good.
64-bit code has been detected. This exe can exploit the full power of a current PC cpu.
This program does NOT have visible windows. This is usually a bad thing.
Some unusual features of the Operating System have been used, such as functions for recording the keyboard. We advise you to read more about this program.
atieclxx.exe has a digital signature. Nowadays the large majority of serious programs are digitally signed.
The digital signature found in atieclxx.exe verifies as ok. This is most likely a clean, ok program.
Digital certificate name: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Certificate's issuer name: VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA
This program does NOT have a removal routine stored in registry.