atieclxx.exe is a program which is most likely NOT a virus. So, if atieclxx.exe is on your laptop or desktop computer, it is most likely ok, and will NOT cause problems. Even if your PC is virus-free, we still advise you to purchase a good antivirus with a good track record, in order to defend yourself against threats.
Usually, the default name and directory where this program is stored is
The MD5 fingerprint for this executable is 81e69c53d0688a6d00ad2a99434ff4ed.
This program is NOT registered as a Windows service. This is good.
64-bit code has been detected. This exe can use the full power of a modern PC processor.
This file does NOT have visible elements of user interface. This is most likely a bad sign.
Some unusual functions of Windows appear to be used, such as functions for intercepting the keyboard. We advise you to perform more in-depth research about this program.
atieclxx.exe is digitally signed. Today most serious software applications are digitally signed.
The digital signature attached to atieclxx.exe verifies as ok. This is most likely a clean, ok program.
Digital certificate name: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Certificate's issuer name: VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA
This application does NOT have an uninstall routine set up in registry.