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Program info

Estimated safety rating


atiesrxx.exe is a program which is most likely legit. So, if atiesrxx.exe is on your PC, it is most likely ok, and will NOT cause problems. Even if your PC is virus-free, we still advise you to use a good antivirus with a good track record, in order to yourself yourself against threats.

Executable file path


Usually, this program is stored in C:\Windows\System32\atiesrxx.exe.

MD5 hash of the executable file


The MD5 fingerprint for this executable is bbadd85854bfb5d43c60b7ac8eea3dba.

Is running as a service


This program is set up as a Windows service. This means it operates on your PC in background, usually without showing anything to you. Most Windows services are legit programs, which perform useful features to other applications or to Windows in general.

Is a 64 bit executable file


This is a x64 executable. It uses the full capacity of modern CPUs.

Potentially dangerous functions


Some insecure features of Windows appear to be used, such as functions for tapping the keyboard. We advise you to be very careful regarding this program.

Digitally signed


atiesrxx.exe is digitally signed. Nowadays the large majority of clean software applications are digitally signed.

Valid digital signature


The digital signature extracted from atiesrxx.exe is valid. This is most likely a clean, ok program.

Certifier name

 Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher

Digitally signed by: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher

Issuer name

 Microsoft Windows Third Party Component CA 2012

Certificate's issuer name: Microsoft Windows Third Party Component CA 2012

Can be uninstalled


This executable does NOT have an uninstall command stored in registry.