backupstack.exe may be a dangerous program, according to heuristic analysis. This program triggers too many of the "probable danger" flags described bellow. It is not yet known if backupstack.exe is a virus or a legit program which doesn't harm your computer. We advise you to be careful with this program.
The default filename and folder where this program is stored is
C:\Program Files (x86)\MyPC Backup\BackupStack.exe.
The MD5 fingerprint for this executable is 350c147d2269e227627fdaf3a9f871ee.
This application is set up as a Windows service. This means it operates on your PC in background, usually without showing anything to you. Most Windows services are useful programs, which perform useful functions to other applications or to Windows in general.
This application runs as a 32-bit program. It can not benefit of the entire set of features of modern PC chips. This is quite normal because the makers did not bother to upgrade it to 64-bit code.
The description stored in the exe is Backup Stack.
File version extracted from the file
Author Just Develop It.
Legal copyright Copyright © Just Develop It 2010.
backupstack.exe has a digital signature. Today most virus-free programs are digitally signed.
The digital signature is broken. This indicates the app may be a virus and that someone probably changed some of its code after the signature was generated. We advise extreme caution!
Digitally signed by: Backup Software Limited
Certificate's issuer name: DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
It has an uninstall routine, which is a good sign. si are uninstall.