compptcvui.exe may be a dangerous program, according to heuristic analysis. It triggers too many of the "possible danger" flags detailed in this document. It is yet unknown if compptcvui.exe is a virus or not that doesn't harm the computer. We advise you to be careful with this application.
This application is usually found on disk in C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer Bio Protection\CompPtcVUI.exe.
The MD5 checksum for this program is f270c06f9fc1dd987c85cad05bf455f1.
This program is NOT a Windows service. This is good.
This program runs in 32-bit mode. It does not exploit the entire set of features of modern computer CPUs. This is quite normal because the publishers did not bother to upgrade it to 64-bit code.
File version stored as a property
Maker Egis Technology Inc..
Legal copyright notice Copyright (C) 2008 Egis Technology Inc. All rights reserved..
The code of this exe seems to be compressed or obfuscated so it can not be quickly hacked.
Some dangerous features of Windows have been used, such as functions for intercepting the keyboard. We advise you to perform more in-depth research about this program.
The digital signature is missing from this program. The publisher did not sign it. This is usually bad.
It has an uninstall routine, which is a good sign. si are uninstall.