cpshelprunner.exe is a program which is most likely NOT a virus or malware. So, if cpshelprunner.exe is on your system, it is most likely ok, and will NOT cause problems. Even if your PC is virus-free, we still advise you to run a good antivirus with a good detection rate, in order to yourself yourself against viruses and malware.
Usually, the default name and path where this application is stored is
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\SharedCOM8\CPSHelpRunner.exe.
The MD5 fingerprint for this executable is 1a0a53f21fdd5ae96bdd68c07cd3afe0.
This program does NOT run as a Windows service. This is normally a good sign.
This app runs as a 32-bit program. It can not exploit the entire power of nowadays' computer processors. This is quite normal because the makers did not bother to upgrade it to 64-bit code.
The description present in the file is ROXHelpRunner Module.
File version extracted from the file
Company name Sonic Solutions.
Legal copyright notice Copyright (c) 1994-2005 Sonic Solutions.
This file does NOT have visible elements of user interface. This is most likely a bad sign.
The digital certificate is missing from this program. The authors did not sign it. This is usually bad.
It has an uninstall routine, which is a good sign. si are uninstall.