dumetersvc.exe may be a dangerous application, according to an automatic analysis of the program's operation. This program triggers many of the "probable danger" criteria detailed in this document. It is not yet known if dumetersvc.exe is malware or an ok program that doesn't harm your computer. Please be careful with this program.
Normally, this program is found in C:\Program Files (x86)\DU Meter\DUMeterSvc.exe.
The MD5 checksum for this file is e15ac9bd4842fc5f00051944d6aec7ef.
This application is a Windows service. This means it runs on your system in background, usually without showing any user interface to you. Most Windows services are useful programs, which provide useful features to other applications or to the Windows Operating System.
This exe runs in 32-bit mode. It can not exploit the full set of features of current computer CPUs. This ordinarily happens because the authors did not upgrade it to 64-bit code.
The description written in the program is DU Meter Service.
File version 4.14 Build R2577.
Producer Hagel Technologies Ltd.
Legal copyright notice Copyright © 1997-2009 Hagel Technologies Ltd..
The machine code of this exe seems to be compressed or encrypted so it can not be quickly decompiled.
Some dangerous functions of the Operating System appear to be used, such as functions for tapping the keyboard. We advise you to perform more in-depth research about this program.
dumetersvc.exe is digitally signed. Nowadays the large majority of serious software applications are digitally signed.
The digital signature is invalid. This is a strong indicator that this program may be a virus and that somebody most likely modified it after the signature was applied. Please be very careful regarding this!
The name of the company or individual signing this is: support@hageltech.com
Digital certificate name: Hagel Technologies Ltd
Certificate's issuer name: GeoTrust True Credentials CA 2
It has an uninstall routine, which is good. si are uninstall.