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Program info

Estimated safety rating


healthcheck.exe may be a dangerous application, according to heuristic analysis. It triggers too many of the "possible danger" criteria described in this document. It is not yet known if healthcheck.exe is malware or not which doesn't harm the PC. We advise you to be careful with it.

Executable file path

 C:\Program Files (x86)\Innovative Solutions\Advanced Uninstaller PRO\healthcheck.exe

Normally, this program is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Innovative Solutions\Advanced Uninstaller PRO\healthcheck.exe.

MD5 hash of the executable file


The MD5 checksum for this executable is b16e68b5c382cc093887720770f9d961.

Is running as a service


This application does NOT run as a Windows service. This is normally a good sign.

Accesses the internet


This program uses the net to communicate. Today this is quite normal. For example, most of the apps on your PC check for new updates. In order to do this, Internet communications are required.

Is a 32 bit executable file


This app runs as a 32-bit program. It does not benefit of the full set of features of nowadays' PC chips. This ordinarily happens because the publishers did not upgrade it to 64-bit code.

File description

 Daily Health Check

The description written in the program is Daily Health Check.

File version

File version extracted from the file


 Innovative Solutions

Company Innovative Solutions.


 Innovative Solutions

Legal copyright Innovative Solutions.

Has valid windows


This executable does NOT have visible elements of user interface. This is most likely a bad sign.

Potentially dangerous functions


Some dangerous features of Windows have been used, such as functions for recording the keyboard. We advise you to be very careful regarding this program.

Digitally signed


The digital certificate is missing from this program. The authors did not sign it. This is usually bad.

Can be uninstalled


It has an uninstall string in registry, which is a good sign. si are uninstall.