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Program info

Estimated safety rating


issch.exe may be a dangerous application, according to heuristic analysis. It triggers many of the "possible danger" criteria described in this document. It is yet unknown if issch.exe is a virus or a legit program that doesn't cause harm the computer. We recommend you to be careful with it.

Executable file path

 C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe

Usually, the default name and folder where this program is stored is
C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe.

MD5 hash of the executable file


The MD5 checksum for this file is 583b7d111304be63d7d9cb65482d2187.

Is running as a service


This application is NOT a Windows service. This is very good.

Is a 32 bit executable file


This app runs in 32-bit mode. It can not benefit of the entire power of nowadays' computer CPUs. This ordinarily happens because the makers did not bother to upgrade it to 64-bit code.

File description

 InstallShield Update Service Scheduler

The description present in the exe is InstallShield Update Service Scheduler.

File version

 4, 50, 100, 33433

File version 4, 50, 100, 33433.


 InstallShield Software Corporation

Maker InstallShield Software Corporation.


 Copyright (C) 1990-2004 InstallShield Software Corporation

Legal copyright Copyright (C) 1990-2004 InstallShield Software Corporation.

Digitally signed


A digital signature is missing from this program. The maker did not sign it. This is probably bad.

Starts with windows


This program starts at Windows startup. Yes

Can be uninstalled


This application does NOT have an uninstall routine stored in registry.