oxhtsyveb.exe may be a dangerous program, according to heuristic analysis. This program triggers many of the "possible danger" criteria detailed bellow. It is not yet known if oxhtsyveb.exe is malware or a legit program which doesn't harm the PC. We advise you to be careful with it.
The default name and directory where this application is stored is
The MD5 checksum for this file is 39b322c062ec2ded774e605b12a379d2.
This application is NOT registered as a Windows service. This is good.
This exe runs as a 32-bit program. It does not exploit the entire power of nowadays' PC processors. This ordinarily happens because the makers did not upgrade it to 64-bit code.
The description extracted from the program is dorodorochatale Setup .
File version extracted from the file .
Publisher .
Legal copyright .
This exe does NOT have visible elements of user interface. This is most likely a bad thing.
Some insecure features of the Operating System appear to be used, such as functions for intercepting the keyboard. We recommend you to read more about this program.
The digital certificate is missing from this program. The maker did not sign it. This is probably bad.
This executable does NOT have an uninstall command set up in registry.