quickset.exe may be a dangerous application, according to an automatic analysis of the program's operation. This program triggers many of the "possible danger" flags detailed bellow. It is not yet known if quickset.exe is malware or an ok program which doesn't cause harm your PC. Please be careful with this application.
Usually, this application is found in C:\Program Files\Dell\QuickSet\quickset.exe.
The MD5 fingerprint for this executable is 00b444cae99acb8ca4f4de8037e90608.
This program does NOT operate as a Windows service. This is usually a good sign.
This is a 64-bit executable. It uses the full capacity of modern computer processors.
The description present in the program is QuickSet.
File version 11, 1, 41, 2.
Company Dell Inc..
Copyright notice © 2010 Dell Inc..
This application does NOT have visible windows. This is most likely a bad thing.
Some insecure functions of Windows appear to be used, such as functions for recording the keyboard. We advise you to be very careful regarding this program.
quickset.exe has a digital signature. Today the large majority of serious software applications are digitally signed.
The digital signature is broken, which means it is most likely that the program may be a virus and that someone most likely tampered with it after the signature was generated. We advise extreme caution!
Digital certificate name: Dell Inc
Certificate's issuer name: VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA
This program starts at your PC's startup. Yes
It has an uninstall routine, which is a good sign. si are uninstall.