syntpenhservice.exe is a program which is most likely legit. So, if syntpenhservice.exe is on your system, it is most likely ok, and will NOT cause problems. Even if your system is clean, it is still recommended to purchase a well-known antivirus with a good track record, in order to yourself yourself against threats.
This program is usually found in C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnhService.exe.
The MD5 checksum for this file is 64a0e4a9bd33deb46cbdd3500294a4c5.
This program is set up as a Windows service. This means it operates on your system in background, usually without showing anything to you. Most Windows services are legit programs, which provide useful features to other applications or to the Windows Operating System.
This is a 64-bit executable. It runs using the full capacity of modern computer processors.
The description stored in the exe is 64-bit Synaptics Pointing Enhance Service.
File version 31Aug16.
Company Synaptics Incorporated.
Legal copyright notice Copyright (C) Synaptics Incorporated 1996-2016.
Some insecure functions of Windows have been used, such as functions for recording the keyboard. We recommend you to read more about this program.
syntpenhservice.exe has a digital signature. Today most virus-free programs are digitally signed.
The digital signature attached to syntpenhservice.exe verifies as ok. This is most likely a clean, ok program.
Digital certificate name: Synaptics Incorporated
Certificate's issuer name: VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA
It has an uninstall routine, which is a good sign. si are uninstall.