usbguard.exe may be a dangerous application, according to an automatic analysis of the program's operation. This program triggers many of the "probable danger" criteria described bellow. It is not yet known if usbguard.exe is a virus or not which doesn't harm your computer. We recommend you to be careful with it.
Normally, this program is found in C:\Program Files\USB Disk Security\USBGuard.exe.
The MD5 fingerprint for this executable is 3cdae74a760a4e8a3f95c5b2190a8cd5.
This application does NOT run as a Windows service. This is normally a good sign.
This program runs in 32-bit mode. It can not use the entire set of features of nowadays' computer processors. This ordinarily happens because the publishers did not bother to upgrade it to use the x64 instruction set.
The description stored in the exe is USB Disk Security.
File version extracted from the file
Maker Zbshareware Lab.
Legal copyright notice Zbshareware Lab All rights reserved..
This file does NOT have visible windows. This is most likely a bad sign.
Some dangerous features of the Operating System have been used, such as functions for tapping the keyboard. We advise you to read more about this program.
usbguard.exe has a digital signature. Today the large majority of clean programs are digitally signed.
The digital signature is not valid. This means it is most likely that this app may be a virus and that somebody probably tampered with it after the signature was applied. Please be very careful regarding this!
Digitally signed by: Lanzhou Itanium Software Technology Co., Ltd.
Certificate's issuer name: COMODO Code Signing CA 2
This application starts at Windows startup. Yes
It has an uninstall routine, which is a good sign. si are uninstall.